We are so happy to announce we’ve reached +1 MILLION DOWNLOADS in just 3 days from the launch! Thanks for the Love and Support!
    Download it now! >> http://bit.ly/TSBEvolution

    The Sandbox reaches 400,000 fans on Facebook

      We’re approaching the 400,000 fans milestone on The Sandbox Facebook page! Check our contest to celebrate this new milestone at http://facebook.com/TheSandboxGame!
      Likers gonna LIKE IT.

      Over 300,000 fans of The Sandbox!

        So happy to announce 300,000 fans on our Facebook page: http://facebook.com/TheSandboxGame – Thank you!!

        200,000 fans onThe Sandbox Facebook page!

          We’ve very proud — today we’ve just passed the 200,000 fans milestone on our Facebook page: http://facebook.com/TheSandboxGame

          Thank you so much everyone for liking the game, we will put our best efforts to make it even better!