Survival Mode added in new update of Grub!

    A new update of Grub is now live on the App Store, download it now at

    What is new in this update?
    New Features
    - New Survival Mode! (infinite lives) Compete with your friends!!!
    - New Power-Up to electrocute several enemies at once!
    - New Leaderboards with Game Center
    - 4 new Levels, with more challenges to accomplish — can you beat those?
    - New App Icon

    - Updated several Levels for smoother gameplay
    - Shorter Tutorial, learn faster how to master the game!
    - Better tuning for Power Ups apparition
    - Improved balance of difficulty
    - Music tuning

    Bugs Fixes
    - No more freezes during Tutorial
    - Many bugs & crashes fixes! Thanks for reporting them to us! :)

    Make new friends with Greedy Grub

      Once you have created your account in Greedy Grub, you can add friends and visit their forest.
      Have you tried it already? It’s really fun!